Reframing Gendered Violence Project
Istanbul Workshops
February–April 2018
Application deadline:
February 1, 2018
Please click here to download the application form.
Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul invites undergraduate students in their senior year and graduate students to an interactive workshop series to be held as part of the two year initiative, “Reframing Gendered Violence”, at the Center for the Study of Social Difference (CSSD) at Columbia University.
The workshop series aims to explore questions of gender-based violence, sexual violence, violence against LGBT people in new directions, deepening the ways in which we engage with the manifestations and causes of such violence in local and global contexts. Participants are expected to watch video recordings of a series of panels, which took place in New York with distinguished scholars from Columbia and other universities in the field; and also read the papers and contribute to the debate by reflecting on the participants’ own research and academic interests. The workshops aim to not only bring together academics and students who work on themes related to gender based violence in Turkey and in the MENA region, but also create dialogue and facilitate exchange of knowledge at the global level.
Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul will hold four workshops, which will be led by renowned academics in the field, first workshop will be led by Aylin Vartanyan, Bogaziçi University.
Academics who are directly affiliated with the Reframing Gendered Violence Project at Columbia will be attending the workshops via teleconference.
Due to limited space, interested students are kindly requested to submit the application form by February 1, 2018.
About the Reframing Gendered Violence Project
The Reframing Gendered Violence Project aims to open up a critical global conversation among scholars and practitioners in order to reframe the problem of violence against women as it is currently discussed in a wide range of fields, both academic and policy oriented, including human rights, public health, journalism, law, feminist studies, literature, sociology, religious studies, anthropology, and history.
Under the title, “Reframing Gendered Violence,” CSSD will engage critically with the terms, the assumptions, and the policies that have underwritten this unprecedented outpouring of attention. What do different parties mean when they talk of violence against women or of gender-based violence? Is the mean form of violence against women sexual in nature? Does it occur primarily in domestic settings? What is left out when the problem is framed in this way, and whose interests are served by such framing? When invoked in the halls of the United Nations and used to shape international policy, the terms violence against women (VAW) and gender-based violence (GBV) are often assumed to have stable meanings, yet they do not.
The goal is to move the conversation on this crucial topic in new directions, pointing to elisions and exclusions in many common-sense understandings of these terms; deepening the ways in which we engage with the manifestations and causes of such violence; unpacking the politics through which accusations of GBV can sometimes be used to pathologize entire communities, societies or religious traditions, or to divert attention from more systemic forms of abuse such as economic, discursive, and political violence.
For more information on Reframing Gendered Violence click here.