Introducing: The Domestic Gaze, a feminist podcast series

A new feminist podcast series on gender, care and race from Columbia Global Centers | Paris.

Sinead McCausland
June 22, 2020

We are very excited to announce the upcoming arrival of our new feminist podcast series, The Domestic Gaze.

This series will be posted on our Instagram and YouTube, so be sure to follow us to be the first to watch!

At the start of the pandemic, many were calling COVID-19 ‘The Great Equaliser’, but it’s clear that the coronavirus has been nothing but a ‘dis-equaliser’, exacerbating the already existing injustices - the already existing pandemics - all around us. From mass unemployment to poverty to gender discrimination and to racism, the pandemic has not, to quote Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, presented new problems, but 'set on fire existing ones'.

The Domestic Gaze aims to show how each of these problems must be approached as part of the same problem in order to fully comprehend the injustices women face around the world.

Featuring three leading women from Columbia University, the series will dedicate each episode to a topic related to women's rights and intersectionality.

In each episode, three leading and inspiring women from Columbia University will discuss their own topic related to women’s rights, according to their field of research:

Terry McGovern

Episode One: “Gender in the Pandemic: The Disproportionate Impacts on Women”

Terry McGovern, Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Professor at Columbia Public Health, will discuss the role gender plays in relation to public health crises, as well as the correlation between the AIDS crisis to the one we are currently living through. 

Terry McGovern is Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Professor, Chair of the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health, and Director of the Program on Global Health Justice and Governance at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Vibhu Krishna

Episode Two: “Faces of the Frontline: Notes on Gender as a Frontliner through Storytelling”

Vibhu Krishna, Medical Student and Founder and Creative Director of Faces of the Frontline, will discuss her experience as a woman in medicine and the importance of storytelling and intersectional thinking for both patients and physicians. 

Vibhu Krishna is a medical student at Columbia University’s Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and Founder and Creative Director of Faces of the Frontline.

Alexis J. Hoag

Episode Three: “Policing Black Bodies: Race and Gender in the Criminal Legal System”

Alexis J. Hoag, lecturer at Columbia Law School, will discuss the history of the criminal legal system, the public perception of black girls, and systemic racism. 

Alexis J. Hoag is Practitioner-in-Residence, Eric H. Holder Jr. Initiative and a lecturer at Columbia Law School. 

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