Climate Change

We endeavor to be at the heart of global conversations on climate and provide sustainable solutions for Africa's climate challenges

Science and research results which have often been sidelined, are increasingly becoming a prerequisite for climate change as it is becoming more difficult to ignore the devastating effects of climate, such as floods, prolonged droughts and dry spells, and the natural spread of forest fires being experienced worldwide. Developing countries contribute the least to the adverse effects of climate change, yet they suffer the greatest consequences and thus require rapid, persistent, cost-effective mitigation measures.

Our Programs

The Climate Action Collective - 2022

After more than 25 years, Columbia announced that it would be establishing its first new school, the Columbia Climate School, in July 2020. Columbia Climate faculty and staff have been consulting and engaging experts, change agents, community groups, policymakers, and concerned citizens worldwide on what the school can and should be.

In a program led by Columbia World Projects, that involved more than 10 countries where Columbia already has a presence based on the Global Centers and ICAP offices, Columbia Climate was supported by these two institutions to investigate and understand the climate risks and concerns of people in Africa, Asia, South - America, and North - America. The exercise also examined practical ways to address climate challenges. 

The Nairobi Center facilitated this process by conducting consultative workshops with the most vulnerable and often obliterated voices in these spaces - the youth, farmers, pastoralists, and people living in informal settlements in Kenya and also issued surveys to concerned parties. The results revealed that besides flooding, droughts, famines, food shortages, and water contamination, Kenyans are also concerned about other transactional effects such as mental health degeneration, increased sexual activities among the youth, and increased prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) cases. These results will form the basis for further research and projects, including training programs. A comprehensive report on the findings is yet to be shared once the data is consolidated. 

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