Amman News

Columbia and New York University may both lead the pack when it comes to developing a presence abroad, but they have markedly distinct ideologies t

Given the current governmental priorities for social service development in Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates, a trained cadre of professional

The Columbia Global Centers held its inaugural Advisory Board Summit at Columbia U

Nearly 4 million refugees have fled the war in Syria to date, and most are being hosted by neighboring states, in areas which already face signific

Studio-X Amman organized a summer workshop on August 12-23, 2015 led by Jyoti

Columbia Global Centers | Middle East will hosted the award ceremony of the iSustain Initiative on August 2, 2015.

Ari Goldman, Professor of Journalism at Columbia Univers

Professor Safwan Masri visited Tunisia on July 27 - August 1 i

As the Ministry of Education in Jordan continues the implementation of the first phase of a process aimed at developing curricula and textbooks, th

Jennifer Dohrn, Assistant Professor of Nursing at 

There are many campuses that claim to be, and no doubt are, environmentally friendly to one degree or another.

Announcing the fifth recipient of the Ibrahim Abu Lughod Award in Palestine Studies, Areej Sabbagh-Khoury