
Once a month we share a photo from our archives. Today, we rediscover "The Little Tin Church" that used to sit in Reid Hall's back garden.

On March 8, the Paris Center and Reid Hall celebrated International Women's Day with a fundraiser benefitting Le Filon, an association helping home

On March 8, Reid Hall members, students, and faculty celebrated International Women's Day with a fundraiser for

Columbia College alumna Yasmine Benabdallah has found a home away from home in the Paris Center.

Yasutomo Uemura is Professor of Physics at Columbia University, and presently visiting Paris as a Visiting Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, suppor

In her new book, Brazil: A Reconstruction, journalist Maria Paula Carvalho (JRN '13) shares insights on the current state of political and

Columbia Global Centers, in partnership with the No-Boundaries Committee, have launched the third annual 2018 No-Boundaries International Art Exhib

Journalist Igor Stokfiszewski reflects on the cultural crisis underpinning the growth of rightwing populist movements in Europe.

Pianist Cindy Liu, CC '18, has twice graced the stage at the Paris Center.

L’universitaire Safwan Masri soutient, dans un entretien au « Monde », que la transition démocratique tunisienne s’explique par des facteurs endogè

On November 7th, the worlds of music and documentary archives intersected in an exceptional concert highlighting the works and life of R

A young and diverse public gathered at the Paris Center on October 17 to discuss Safwan M.