Santiago News

He presented the tool during the Chilean Association of Desalination and Reuse (ACADES) congress, attended by more than 500 participants. 

The event kicked off the academic year at Universidad Diego Portales' Journalism School.

Undurraga is a Professor of Law at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and Costa is the co-founder and President of the tech startup Laboratoria.

Izabella Lizarazo wrote a musical about the Nueva Canción Chilena. It debuts on stage in April.

For Pedro, José María, Rosario, and Paul, Columbia was more than just an academic adventure. 

He also spoke at the World Leaders Forum in September 2013 before hundreds of students and faculty.

Both organizations conducted a series of dialogues throughout 2023.

The event was the second collaborative activity between both associations.

Along with a team of researchers, Mike Kaplan recently conducted fieldwork in the north of the country.

The renowned lawyer and recipient of the 2022 Outstanding Alumnus Award passed away at 92.

Selected students will travel to Chile during spring break for an interfaith and cultural exchange trip.

The session delved into the challenges and opportunities for the sustainable development of Maipú’s neighborhoods.