Feminism. Migration. Identity. 5 Podcasts to Listen to in the Pandemic ⁣

We searched through our archives to find four podcasts that may help during this time, as well as a special bonus podcast recorded live at Reid Hall in February.

Sinead McCausland
March 28, 2020

With our in-person events unable to continue, we want to make sure you have access to free cultural events from the comfort of your own homes. We recently asked you what you wanted to see from us during the pandemic, and a few of you asked for more podcasts.

After scouring our podcast archives, we've selected four inspiring, informative, and stimulating podcasts for you, along with a special bonus podcast that was recorded at Reid Hall back in February. 

From Ghada Hatem-Gantzer on her women's hospital La Maison des femmes to La Poudre's Lauren Bastide talking about feminism in contemporary France with Maboula Soumahoro, Élise Thiébaut, and Aurore Koechlin, we hope these podcasts are able to provide you with solace during this strange time.

The language of each podcast is indicated in each description. 

1. Medical Humanities Keynote Speech: Ghada Hatem-Gantzer (La Maison des femmes, St-Denis, France)

En français. La Maison des Femmes à Saint-Denis accueille toutes les femmes vulnérables ou victimes de violence. De la demande de contraception en passant par l'IVG, les soins autour d’une excision, d’un viol ou de violences physiques ou psychologiques, ses équipes offrent les soins adaptés à chaque patiente.

Ecoute maintenant. 

2. Protecting Migrants and Refugees -Terra Incognita and the Justice Gap

In English. Listen to Craig Spencer MD, Terry McGovern, JD, and Dadan Kardiana (EHESP) on the personal, political, and legal battles faced when protecting migrants and refugees. Spencer also spoke about his work with Doctors Without Borders.

Listen here.

⁣⁣⁣3. Mémoires, transmissions et identités françaises

En français. Table ronde avec Mame-Fatou Niang, Aya Cissoko et Tassadit Imache, animée par Maboula Soumahoro et Nora Philippe. Un débat à l'occasion de la sortie du livre "Identités Françaises" (Mame-Fatou Niang, maîtresse de conférence, Carnegie Mellon University)

Ecoute maintenant.

4. Musée d'Orsay exhibition preview: The Black Model from Géricault to Matisse with Denise Murrell

In English. Listen to Denise Murrell talk about how she put together her exhibition in the Musée d'Orsay, "The Black Model from Géricault to Matisse". In partnership with Columbia University Undergraduate Global Engagement | Paris and the Institute for Ideas & Imagination.

Listen here.

5. BONUS: La France et les feminismes, par La Poudre

En français. Au micro de Lauren Bastide, Maboula Soumahoro, maîtresse de conférence et autrice, Élise Thiébaut, journaliste et écrivaine et Aurore Koechlin, doctorante en sociologie et militante démontent le mythe d’une France féministe et décryptent comment le pays de Monique Wittig est aussi le théâtre d’affrontements incessants sur les droits des femmes.

Ecoute maintenant. 

Bonne écoute !