Kraft Fellows Visit Santiago on Interfaith Trip

April 03, 2019

During the week of March 17-22, a group of six Columbia students visited Chile sponsored by the Office of the University Chaplain’s Kraft Global Fellows Program, which aims to encourage learning and personal growth through spiritual and cultural exchange.

The group - composed of students of philosophy, physics, sociology, Jewish ethics, dentistry, public health and computer science - had a diverse and intense agenda in the capital Santiago and the port city of Valparaíso. Together with Chaplain Jewelnel Davis, they participated in a mass in the La Victoria settlement, visited the Baha'i Temple, the As-Salam Mosque, the Synagogue of the Círculo Israelita de Santiago, the Templo Votivo de Maipú, as well as the Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi, the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, and the Mapuche community Lawen Inchiñ Mapu. The Kraft Fellow group held meetings with representatives of the Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes  and the Fundación para la Confianza, a non-profit organization that helps victims overcome sexual abuse.

In Valparaíso, they toured the city and learned about the process of transforming a former prison into the Parque Cultural de Valparaíso.

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