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Vaccine Development, Availability and Safety
This session focused on reviewing; the most promising candidate vaccines, the steps in the process from development to approval, and distribution and identify issues for future investigation.
Seven months into lockdown: Vulnerable children are at high risk
For the world’s most vulnerable children, the closure of schools due to COVID-19 is more than a temporary evil – it could mean the end of their education. Teachers in the Education for Life program have been trying to maintain contact with students during the crisis.
Improving Capacity to Address Gender- Based Violence in Kenya: A Cross- Sectoral Conversation About Achieving Justice.
From this event, we will hear from a public health student, GBV researcher and expert, and legal expert about public health and legal approaches to GBV interventions in Kenya.
Why Africa needs to be involved in the development of Covid-19 vaccines
Understanding the epidemiology of Covid-19 and moving forward would be critical to determining policy on the need to adopt interventions, including the Covid-19 vaccines that are being developed.
‘Copy-paste’ physical distancing measures have had ‘dire effects on developing countries’
Physical distancing is a tried and tested method of slowing the rate of infection during a pandemic (without the use of medical interventions). But as we’ve seen, it can have devastating economic, health and social effects, especially on developing nations.
Solid, altruistic global leadership is the only way to face future crises and win
Covid-19 has taught us that investing in health security research, preparedness and responsiveness, nationally, regionally and globally, is critical. For this to work and to beat similar crises in future, effective, credible, altruistic political leadership at all levels of society is needed.
Beyond lockdown: Africa needs to ramp up its testing, tracing and treatment efforts
Lockdowns and physical distancing have proved crucial to slowing the spread of Covid-19 in the short term, but looking to the future these measures are unsustainable and have caused a lot of social and economic damage. As the race for the vaccine continues experts are now focused on improving testing, tracing and treatment efforts, especially in Africa, where life-threatening gaps exist.
A global investment in public health is vital for the survival of future generations.
Every evening during the early days of the pandemic, people opened their windows at a set hour to applaud the heroic women and men who were putting their health on the line in the fight against Covid-19. In New York, London, Madrid and other cities, it became something of a ritual. For me, it was a daily reminder of those invisible workers, the public health professionals who battle the pandemic behind the scenes. It was also a reminder of how now, more than ever, we must invest in public health.
Striking a balance: Public health and social measures in Africa
Finding the balance between limiting disease transmission, maintaining access to critical services and supporting livelihoods is the public health challenge of this century.
3rd Round Table Discussion: The Pandemic and its Aftershocks: Columbia University African Students Perspectives.
Part 2: Digitizing Education: Parents as Teachers
Emergency remote education during COVID-19 has exacerbated structural inequities and revealed gaps in pedagogical knowledge and infrastructure to support the use of technology for instruction. During this webinar, we will hear about the challenges that are facing parents and learn about coping strategies and the resources available for parents.
Digitizing K-12 Education: Capturing the COVID-19 Experience and Imagining the Future
COVID-19 has exacerbated structural inequities and revealed gaps in pedagogical knowledge and infrastructure to support the use of technology for instruction. From this Webinar, we will hear the impact COVID-19 has had on education and instructional strategies in primary and secondary education that can support online teaching and learning - in the US, Kenya, Turkey, and globally.
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Thomas Trebat para Canal Um Brasil: "Preservar a saúde pública em primeiro lugar"
"Diretor do Columbia Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Trebat, diz que esforço fiscal para estancar déficit público se tornou pauta secundária “Gastar 5% do PIB [Produto Interno Bruto] e correr riscos financeiros mais para frente ou ver centenas de milhares de cidadãos, amigos, familiares e idosos morrerem?”. Leia a matéria completa feita para o CANAL UM BRASIL.