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September 08, 2020

Beyond lockdown: Africa needs to ramp up its testing, tracing and treatment efforts

Lockdowns and physical distancing have proved crucial to slowing the spread of Covid-19 in the short term, but looking to the future these measures are unsustainable and have caused a lot of social and economic damage. As the race for the vaccine continues experts are now focused on improving testing, tracing and treatment efforts, especially in Africa, where life-threatening gaps exist.  

September 08, 2020

A global investment in public health is vital for the survival of future generations.

Every evening during the early days of the pandemic, people opened their windows at a set hour to applaud the heroic women and men who were putting their health on the line in the fight against Covid-19. In New York, London, Madrid and other cities, it became something of a ritual. For me, it was a daily reminder of those invisible workers, the public health professionals who battle the pandemic behind the scenes. It was also a reminder of how now, more than ever, we must invest in public health.

July 22, 2020

Digitizing K-12 Education: Capturing the COVID-19 Experience and Imagining the Future

COVID-19 has exacerbated structural inequities and revealed gaps in pedagogical knowledge and infrastructure to support the use of technology for instruction. From this Webinar, we will hear the impact COVID-19 has had on education and instructional strategies in primary and secondary education that can support online teaching and learning - in the US, Kenya, Turkey, and globally.

April 08, 2020

Thomas Trebat para Canal Um Brasil: "Preservar a saúde pública em primeiro lugar"

"Diretor do Columbia Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro, Thomas Trebat, diz que esforço fiscal para estancar déficit público se tornou pauta secundária “Gastar 5% do PIB [Produto Interno Bruto] e correr riscos financeiros mais para frente ou ver centenas de milhares de cidadãos, amigos, familiares e idosos morrerem?”. Leia a matéria completa feita para o CANAL UM BRASIL.