Alumni Stories

As we bid farewell to 2024, we take a moment to reflect on a year of remarkable achievements that strengthened the ties between Columbia and Chile.

Over 80 Columbia graduates attended the gathering.

Baltra was a prominent journalist, writer and lifelong advocate for press freedom and human rights.

Manuel Agosin and Joseph Ramos studied at Columbia in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and played a key role in shaping generations of Chilean economists.

The guidebook will provide practical tools and strategies to help guide student representatives.

Around 40 Chileans will pursue degrees at seven Columbia Graduate Schools as well as Columbia College.

Around 50 aspiring applicants to the Columbia MBA attended the session led by Maura Bonini, assistant director of admissions at CBS.

Officially established as a legal entity in late 2021, the organization fosters growth and engagement among Chilean graduates. 

The course was a collaboration between the J-School, UDP, CGC Santiago, and the Latin American Center for Investigative Journalism (CLIP).

Undurraga is a Professor of Law at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and Costa is the co-founder and President of the tech startup Laboratoria.

For Pedro, José María, Rosario, and Paul, Columbia was more than just an academic adventure. 

Armstrong is the former curator of the PaineWebber and UBS art collections and is now a private curator and art advisor.