Health and Medicine

We address critical health issues in India through research initiatives, public awareness programs, policy dialogues, and capacity building projects in collaboration with Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, School of Nursing, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and College of Dental Medicine. Through the Yusuf Hamied Fellowship Program, we promote scholarship and knowledge exchange on public health in India. Areas of current focus include:

Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases pose major challenges to India, with its high disease burden and limited public health resources. Through a partnership with the Columbia Nursing School, we support projects, public programs, and student internships. We have organized multiple programs on the COVID-19 pandemic to bring cutting-edge scientific research and practices to relevant stakeholders. 

Access to Healthcare

person using a syringe on a small model of the earth
Access to Healthcare

India has the largest number of poor people in the world, with limited or no access to affordable healthcare.  We address access to effective preventive care as well as to medicines and treatment through projects and programs such as the Screenings that Save series that focuses on cancer prevention. 

Gender and Health

man in lab coat holding red ribbon
Gender and Health

Although the average life expectancy of Indian women has nearly doubled in the last few years, gender disparities continue to limit women’s access to affordable healthcare, resulting in poorer health outcomes in terms of maternal mortality rate, nutrition, and reproductive and sexual health. Exploring the impact of gender inequities on women’s health, our programs address breast and cervical cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory disorders from biomass exposure. Our project, Period of Life, aims to de-stigmatize and de-pathologize menstruation in India. 

Environment and Health

smoky air from refinery
Environment and Health

Poor air quality and contaminated water resources are major environmental threats to health in India. Our work on environmental health addresses the impact of air pollution, improper sanitation, and environmental exposures on population health. Our programs explore the role of environmental risk factors in pulmonary disorders, early childhood development, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.