Istanbul Faculty Advisory Committee

“The difficulties of the global COVID pandemic have shown us just how important the Global Centers are for our continuing communication as members of the Columbia community. While quarantine and travel restrictions have forced us to postpone much of our work in the region, at the same time we have found the importance of the Global Centers growing as venues for the exchange of ideas among faculty and students both in New York, and at all the regional centers.”  

Zainab Bahrani, Istanbul Center FAC Chair

The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) provides academic and intellectual input, leadership, and advice regarding the Center’s activities and plans, supports its engagement with faculty, helps identify, expand, and advance scholarly exchange, and creates innovative and sustainable programming at and through the Istanbul Center.

The FAC is chaired by a faculty member who serves a renewable three-year term and is viewed as a thought leader by other members of the faculty. Committee members represent a wide spectrum of faculty interests and disciplinary areas and are selected because of their commitment to globalization and their familiarity with and scholarly interest in the region.