Undersecretary for Human Rights, Justice and Citizenship | Secretary of State for Human Rights and Policies for Women and the Elderly
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Aline Inglez is a Specialist in Public Policy and Undersecretary of Human Rights, Justice and Citizenship at the State Government of Rio de Janeiro. She is a civil servant since 2012, having coordinated the Renda Melhor Jovem Program until moving to another department and becoming Superintendent of Human Rights Promotion, a position which she held for almost one year before being nominated Undersecretary. Aline graduated in Psychology at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), from where she also holds a postgraduate degree in Forensic Psychology. She has also a MPH and a PhD from ENSP/ FIOCRUZ.
Coordinator of Competence Development | Agência Nacional do Cinema (ANCINE)
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Ana Julia Cury de Brito Cabral is Coordinator of Competence Development at the Human Resources Department at ANCINE (Brazilian regulatory agency for audiovisual market in Brazil). She is currently responsible for the professional development of ANCINE’s civil servants. For over 10 years, she has worked in different areas of ANCINE, such as the Regulatory Committee and the Directors’ Board, and at the International Affairs Department, where she coordinated different funds and programs related to coproduction and the international promotion of Brazilian audiovisual. Ana Julia has a PhD in Communication and Culture, and has also worked as editor and publisher.
Counsellor (career Diplomat) and Advisor to CAMEX | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CAMEX
Brasília, DF
Christiane Silva Aquino Bonomo is a Brazilian career diplomat (Counsellor) with 15 years of experience with international trade, economics and finance, including negotiations of trade and tax agreements, WTO dispute settlement, bilateral and multilateral negotiations; and industrial policy. She holds a Law Degree from Universidade Católica de Salvador; an MBA from the University of Bridgeport; a Masters in Diplomacy from Instituto Rio Branco and participation in relevant Trade Policy Executive Programs, such as Mastering Trade Policy, at Harvard University and Academy of WTO Law and Policy from Georgetown University.
Geographer - Assistant I | Department of Urbanism, Infrastructure and Housing
São Gonçalo, RJ
Christiane Oliveira, graduated in Geography at Universidade Federal Fluminense with a Master degree in Geography - Environment Planning from the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. Public servant since 2010 in Rio de Janeiro Mayor's Office. Works as assistant in the Local Planning Department which is responsible for the Central Area and South Zone of the city. Has experience in Urban Studies such as: land use policies; sectoral plans, urban policy councils, hearings and public consultations.
Strategic Planning Analyst | Museum of Art of São Paulo (MASP)
São Paulo, SP
Fernanda Ferraz Bonini currently works as Strategic Planning Specialist at MASP, a self-governed non-profit museum that hosts the most important collection of Western Art in the Southern Hemisphere, being there since the beginning of the museum’s turnaround process (2015). At MASP, she leads strategic projects, such as the development and release of the museum’s Endowment Fund in 2017. This fund was the first one among Brazilian’s cultural institutions. Bachelor of Business Management by FGV-EAESP, Sao Paulo School of Business Administration, Fernanda focused her degree on Management and Business Strategy.
Head of Agenda 2030 | Teresina City Hall
Teresina, PI
Flávia Maia is Head of the Agenda 2030 (UN) at the Municipality of Teresina. She has worked as urban planning coordinator and analyst, as well as lecturer in urban design and planning. As a PhD researcher in Urbanism (UFRJ), she critically addresses smart cities and informality. Recent interests involve using open data to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), building resilience for extreme heat weather, and promoting gender-sensitive projects for climate change.
Head of division | Brazilian Central Bank
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Gabriela Ruberg is a passionate advocate of the power of information management for promoting society development. She has over 20 years of experience with this subject in the public service and a D.Sc. degree in Software Engineering and Computer Science from COPPE/UFRJ. As of May, 2013, she is the head of the Information Governance Office of the Central Bank of Brazil, where she has been contributing to achieve several relevant results, especially in the open data program. Also, since 2009 she has been deeply involved in the wonderful and challenging experience of raising two daughters.
Undersecretary of the State Security Secretary | Federal Police
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Helena de Rezende has been a Federal Police Chief since 2003. Her first position was at the Federal Police Superintendency in the state of Roraima, where she headed the Fiscal Evasion Police Station and the Center of Special Investigations from 2003 to 2006. After she ended the mission of training security forces for the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in 2016, she was invited to take over as Undersecretary of Education, Valuation and Prevention of the Rio de Janeiro State Security Secretariat.
Deputy Superintendent at the Bidding Rounds Promotion Superintendency | National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Heloisa has served in various positions in the Brazilian public administration (as a teacher, a researcher and a federal employee). Currently she is the Deputy Manager in the Bidding Rounds Promotion Superintendence of the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP). She is also invited to regular lectures and classes in several specialization courses. In ANP she has been personally responsible for coordinating the 20-people team that writes the tender protocols and contracts for oil and gas bidding rounds in Brazil and promote the bidding sessions.
Business Analyst | Municipal Company of Urban Cleaning (COMLURB)
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Jana Adriene Gaspar Libman has a degree in Advertising from Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF and holds the position of Technical Administrative Analyst at the Municipal Company of Urban Cleaning - COMLURB. She has a post-graduation in Communication and Image by PUC-RJ, Positive Psychology by the CPAF-RJ and extension in Teaching of Higher Education by FGV. In 2017, she was approved in the selection process to be part of the Líderes Cariocas Program, offered by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro.
Public Policy Analyst | Institute of Public Security of Rio de Janeiro (ISP)
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Julia holds a MS degree in economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a BS in the same area from the University of São Paulo. During her master's she studied gender differences in urban commuting and in labor market access. She is currently a public policy analyst at the State of Rio de Janeiro Citizen Security Institute where is responsible for conducting projects whose aim is to improve evidence-based practices in Rio's military police. Previously, she has worked as a researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, as a consultant in the World Bank Education Team and as J-Pal/MIT's research assistant.
Head of the Corporate University | Brazilian Central Bank
Brasília, DF
Juliana Mozachi Sandri has been the Head of the Banco Central do Brasil Corporate University (UniBC) for almost 8 years. Her current role in Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) includes elaboration, implementation and operation of learning and knowledge management strategies nationwide. She is the President of the Graduate Program Council and Head of the Brazil Training Center (BTC/CC@B), in partnership with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), having the opportunity to train and develop government officials from the Latin American region. Her trajectory of 12 years working for the BCB includes different positions in the Human Resources Department and Administrative Affairs.
Director of Monitoring and Evaluation of Special Programs | State Secretariat for Labor and Social Development
Belo Horizonte, MG
Laura Angélica works as a researcher in Fundação João Pinheiro´s and Fundação Getúlio Vargas´s Research Centers, specially in projects related to public security policies and to optimization of the usage of public resources in some other important public policies, such as culture and urban mobility. Developing a career in the public sector since 2010, Laura has worked in the São Paulo City Hall, developing projects with focus on public service concessions linked to urban mobility; and has worked as well in the Minas Gerais State Government, delivering consolidated information on government´s strategic public policies such as public construction and infrastructure, and public safety to the high staff.
Senior Legislative Counsel | Brazilian House of Representatives
Brasília, DF
Liana Issa Lima is a senior legislative counsel in financial regulation and corporate law at the Brazilian House of Representatives. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Universidade de Brasília (2010) and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Law and Development from Fundação Getúlio Vargas São Paulo, with a concentration in corporate governance (expected 2018). Her professional background includes working for the Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) and the Ministry of Justice.
Deputy-Secretary | São Paulo City Hall - Innovation and Technology Secretary
São Paulo, SP
Marianna Sampaio is currently the Deputy Secretary of Innovation and Technology Secretariat at São Paulo Municipality. She holds a bachelor's degree in Law from the University of São Paulo and a Master's degree in Public Administration and Government from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas. She was Special Advisor (2013) and Deputy Secretary (2014) of Legal Affairs Secretariat at São Paulo Municipality. Previously, she worked at law firms in São Paulo for 10 years. She is a civil servant at São Paulo Municipality since 2016.
Labor Judge | Regional Labor Court
São Paulo, SP
Mylene Pereira Ramos Seidl has been a Federal Labour Court Judge since 1994. During the last 3 years she was District Judge of the Labor Court of the South Zone of São Paulo, the first one with 20 completely electronic Divisions in the country, having 5000 users on average on a daily basis. Mylene also devotes time to causes such as civil and women rights, discrimination, diversity and corporate social responsibility. In 2016, she lectured on a TEDx section in São Paulo, called "Inspiring Women", on the lack of racial diversity in the Judiciary.
VP of the Institute of Social Security and Assistance of Municipal Servants of São Gonçalo (IPASG) | São Gonçalo City Hall
São Gonçalo, RJ
Paola Figueiredo is the Vice President of the Institute of Social Security and Project Manager “Leads Women” in the City Hall of São Gonçalo. She elaborated the “Lidera Mulher Project”, which aims to foster the professional advancement of women, their executive leadership and the creation of their own businesses and has a purpose of changing the life of these women entrepreneurs, contributing to their empowerment with a view to gender equality. She started in the municipality in 2003 as coordinator of the Child Labor Eradication Program in communities around a dumping ground.
Head of the unit for Implementation of Projects and Innovation | Secretary of State for Planning, Budget and Management of the Federal District
Brasília, DF
Riane Torres has been a civil servant since 2005, currently assigned to the Federal District Government (GDF), where she holds the position of Head of Implementation Projects and Innovation Unit. She is responsible for the implementation of the Electronic Information System (SEI) in the 90 agencies of the GDF, a project that aims to reduce bureaucracy in administrative processes and documents. As a system analyst in public service, she led systems development teams to automate complex solutions. Riane holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's in Applied Computing.
Division Coordinator/Federal Finance and Control Auditor | Ministry of Transparency and Office of the Comptroller General (CGU)
Belém, PA
Sarah Regina de Sousa Magalhaes is a Federal Finance and Control Auditor since 2012 and currently coordinates the Special Actions Division at Pará’s Superintendence of the Brazilian Ministry of Transparency and Comptroller-General (CGU), where she conducts anti-corruption investigations in cooperation with other Public Agencies. Ms. Magalhães holds positions at the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and at the Federal District Judicial Police, and degrees in International Relations and Public Security and Citizenship from the University of Brasília.
Manager | Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Master on Computer Science and Graduated on Social and Economic Development at UFRJ. She joined BNDES in 2003 and worked 5 years developing a system to improve the auditing process of loans. In 2012 she became a IT leader of BNDES’s transformational enterprise program. Last year she took part of IdeiaLab, an open innovation program on BNDES. Now she is the Leader of BNDES’s Blockchain Initiative, one of the ideas selected on IdeiaLab, focused on increasing BNDES’s transparency. Always in beta version, she believes that innovation and enterpreunership will change BNDES and Brazil.