On the following day at 6:30 p.m., Ms. Camila Pontual, Climate Program Manager at Climate Hub Rio, will join efforts with Prof. Maria Fernanda Lemos, from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at PUC-Rio, in a presentation titled "Climate Emergency in Cities: Action and Funding for Adaptation". According to the UN, 93.6% of the Brazilian population will be living in cities by 2050. Meanwhile, the climate issue faces underinvestment when it comes to adapting, preventing, and mitigating the effects of extreme events, especially in the Global South. This whole picture calls for the need to develop fundraising policies for cities, in collaboration with regional and national governments, civil society, and private companies, as well as among different countries and international financial institutions to enable a more sustainable operational model.
On Thursday 15th, at 4 p.m., Ms. Pontual will also act as a mediator on the panel “Investment Opportunities for Climate Innovations”, which features Amanda Magalhaes, PM Technology Projects at Climate Ventures, Felipe Vignoli, founding partner of Impacta Financas Sustentaveis, and Natalia Dias Melo, with 30+ of experience in global investment banks, most recently Brazilian National Bank of Social and Economic Development (BNDES) and currently on garden leave.
More information about the event, including the full schedule, can be found at: https://rioinnovationweek.com.br/programacao/