English Language Teaching and Language Policy in Tunisia

December 28, 2022
Read the "English Language Teaching and Language Policy in Tunisia" article by Ahmed Jouini, a TC-Tunisia graduate.

Ahmed Jouini is an associate professor of English, certified teacher educator, freelance translator, and an IELTS certified instructor who has 5+ years in education. Becoming a university teacher at the age of 24, Ahmed has a 3-year of experience in higher education during which he has been part of numerous projects focusing on education in Tunisia.

He has recently graduated from the TC-Tunisia Foreign Language Teacher Education, which is a two-year initiative that was designed by Columbia Global Centres, Tunis in collaboration with Teachers College, the U.S. Department of State, and the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and was launched in February 2021. Ahmed is also a supervisor of final-year projects in the department of education and social sciences at the University of Gafsa, Tunisia.

Read the full article by Higher Education Digest here: https://www.highereducationdigest.com/english-language-teaching-and-language-policy-in-tunisia/


For more information about TC Tunisia: https://globalcenters.columbia.edu/content/tc-tunisia-foreign-language-teacher-education-project