Ahmed Abozaid

Ahmed Abozaid

Research Topic
State Violence in Egypt from a Khaldounian Perspective

Ahmed Abozaid is a political scientist from Egypt. Ahmed holds a PhD from the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSPTV) at the University of St Andrews. He holds MSc in International Relations from the University of Aberdeen (with distinction). Prior to joining the University of St Andrews, Ahmed was the co-founder and director of research of a Dubai-based think tank, the International Institution for Cultural Diplomacy, IICD (2010-2019).

Ahmed’s research interests vary from Theories of International Relations, Historical Sociology, Terrorism Studies, and Security Studies. His thesis is engaging with the question of decolonializing knowledge, with special emphasis on theories of state and the use of violence drawing on Ibn Khaldun’s works.

According to the Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF) foundation, between 2012 and 2021, of more than 3000 researchers from over 20 countries, Ahmed was listed among the top three most cited and most influential Arab scholars in the fields of Political Science and International Relations. Ahmed published six books in Arabic and more than 70 peer-reviewed papers in leading peer-reviewed English and Arabic journals.  

His research at Columbia Global Centers | Amman investigates the historical articulation between authority, legitimacy, and state violence against opposition movements during pre-colonial, colonial, and postcolonial contexts. 

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