Student Engagement

The Columbia Global Center in Beijing serves as a conduit where undergraduate and graduate students are engaged in a variety of programs, services, and activities that broaden their horizons in and outside of the classroom and enrich their academic, social, and professional growth.

To cater to the needs of our diverse student body, our student engagement program offers exciting opportunities to turn program ideas into reality, gain valuable career connections, and fulfill unlimited potential.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events.


The Beijing Global Center provides ongoing support for any student or student organization planning to engage the larger campus and regional community through a wide range of services, such as program development, event operation, local transactions, media management, and community engagement.

Schedule a virtual or in-person meeting with us to discuss any ideas, questions, or requests you may have via email [email protected].

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Program Development

A program idea can be turned into a reality with our instructions and the assistance. Previous: Urban China Initiative

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Event Operation

We can assist you in managing your events more efficiently by utilizing standard procedures and vendor pools.

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Local Transaction

As a local entity, we will be able to help you deal with administrative compliance checks, procurement and transactions in China.

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Media Management

You can take advantage of our vast network of regional media outlets to gain better exposure for your work.


Transitioning to local community

The Beijing Center facilitates student and alumni study, research, and exchange in the region through our vast partner networks. We help Columbia members immerse themselves in East Asian culture and life, create meaningful and impactful global engagement, and dive deep into regional diversity.

Thriving in campus community

Over the summer, we host send-off parties and networking events to make the transition of incoming students to life at Columbia University and New York City as smooth as possible. Students will have a unique chance to learn more about campus life, make new connections with peers, and explore tremendous resources and opportunities provided by the Global Centers during and after their time at the University.



You're now part of the Columbia China community of more than 6,000+ current and prospective students, alumni, parents, and friends. We would love to stay in touch and keep you up to date on the programs, news, and career resources of our Center and the University.

Scan the QR code or find "ColumbiaChinaCenter" on WeChat to join the groups. Please specify your name, UNI, school, and year of graduation when sending a friend request.