Abdallah Sami Abolouz
Research Topic:
Palestinian Cause Representations in Saudi School Curricula: The Impact on the Millennial Saudi-Born Palestinians' Belonging and Cultural Identity
Abdallah Sami Abulouz has a Master's Degree in Social Anthropology and a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Technology with a major in Electrical Power Engineering from Yarmouk University. His Master thesis was titled Acculturation and Cultural Identity: The Case of Millennial Saudi-Born Palestinians Returnees to Jordan. Since 2010, Abdullah has been involved in different volunteer work and has supported, participated, and co-founded multiple cultural initiatives that build capacities for students and youths. He also worked as an independent researcher, freelance writer, and translator. He also published many articles and translations in well-known online platforms.
His research interest areas include identifying formation and the intersection with socio-economic and political contexts. He also has a deep interest in representation and intersection of queer theory and feminism with Islam and Muslim societies, as well as the academic freedom in our post-colonial middle east states and the influence of globalization and neoliberal economy upon the academia in our region.
His research at Columbia Global Centers | Amman will examine the Palestinian community's social history and identity in Saudi Arabia. The project stems from the fact that literature review about the Palestinians in Saudi Arabia is nearly unavailable. He started the project before completing his master's thesis and then built his MA thesis upon it. In light of that, his fellowship research will be a part of the whole project and completion of it. He intends to study the representations of the Palestinian cause in the Saudi education curriculums across the past three generations, considering the sociopolitical context effect on the representation and how that has affected the forming of the cultural identity and belonging of Millennial Saudi-Born Palestinians. He contributed to The Distorted Identity: The Non-Belonging in the Millennial Saudi-Born Palestinians in the Annual Palestine Forum.
Published articles and translations:
Abulouz, A. فلسطينيو السعودية: هوية قلقة ومصائر معلقة [Saudi Palestinians an Anxious Identity and Unsettled Fates]. Bab El-wad, 2019. Link to article
Abulouz, A. أنثروبولوجيا الجسد الذكوري [Anthropology of The Masculine Body]. Jeem, 2019. Link to article
Abulouz, A. اللغة المهينة: نظرات في نفوذ اللغة الإنجليزية [The Hegemonic Language: Considerations on the Influence of the English Language]. 7iber, 2019. Link to article
Abulouz, A. نظرية الكوير: تشكلها ونقدها [Queer Theory: The Formation and Critiques]. 7iber, 2018. Link to article
Ablouz, A. عن إختراع الغيرية [The Invention of Heterosexuality]. 7iber, 2018.
Link to article
Abulouz, A. العلم والسلطة: لأجل من نتعلم؟ [Science and Power: For Whom we are learning?]. 7iber, 2018. Link to article
Abulouz, A. النسوية والدين: محاولات لإعادة صياغة علاقتهن بالمقدس [Feminism and Religion: Attempts of Reformation for the Relationship with The Sacred]. Manshoor, 2018.
Link to article
Günel, G., Varma, S., & Watanabe, W. A Manifesto for Patchwork Ethnography. Translated by Abdallah Abulouz. Hekmah, 2021.
Link to translation
Meyer, S. C. A Scientific History and Philosophical Defense of the Theory of Intelligent Design. Translated by Abdallah Abulouz and Mohammed Taha. Baraheen Center for Studies and Publishing, 2016. Link to translation