First 2024 Columbia Alumni Gathering in Tunis

January 13, 2024

Starting off the new year, the Columbia Alumni Association in Tunisia, in collaboration with Columbia Global Centers | Tunis and B7L9 Art Station (a Kamel Lazaar Foundation initiative), organized a gathering for Columbia alumni and students in Tunis, the first for 2024. The event brought together a diverse group of individuals, including both alumni and current students, united by their shared pride in Columbia University.

The gathering was held in honor of Dr. Jewelnel Davis, University Chaplain, Associate Provost, and Director of the Kraft Global Fellows Program at Columbia University, and Pr. Kamel Jedidi, Jerome A. Chazen Professor of Global Business at Columbia Business School and Vice Chair of the CGC Tunis Faculty Advisory Committee, who were visiting Tunisia in January along with around 40 graduate and undergraduate students, as part of the Kraft Global Fellows Program and the Chazen Global Immersion Program.

During the reception, attendees engaged in lively discussions and rekindled old connections. With recent developments such as the appointment of a new university President, there was a notable interest among participants to learn about the latest updates from Columbia University. Of particular interest was the introduction of Columbia Global, an initiative established in July 2022, to leverage the remarkable scholarship, expertise, and resources of Columbia University in addressing the world’s most complex challenges. Columbia Global brings together the university’s major global initiatives, such as the Columbia Global Centers, to advance knowledge and foster global engagement through interdisciplinary research, education, collaboration, and action.

The event also featured a presentation about B7L9 Art Station, the venue of the reception. This unique art gallery stands as the first art station in Tunis, located in an underprivileged suburb (Bhar Lazreg), offering a full annual program of artistic and cultural events accessible free of charge to all. Its goals align closely with the mission of Columbia Global Centers | Tunis, aiming to reinforce social cohesion by promoting the plurality of speakers, integrate minorities and populations of foreign origin - Bhar Lazreg has a large population from sub-Saharan Africa - and create social and economic impact in disadvantaged areas. This presentation provided attendees with valuable insights into the role of art and culture in fostering community engagement and driving positive change. 

As Columbia University is known for its accomplished and vibrant alumni community, alumni engagement remains an integral part of the mission of Columbia Global Centers | Tunis. This engagement extends beyond mere gatherings to active participation in its diverse initiatives and activities, fostering a strong alumni community not only in Tunisia but also in the broader region.