Simple Traits by Ken Weiss - Logical Reasoning in Human Genetics 2.0 Course: Lecture 14

December 07, 2022

The 14th lecture from the Logical Reasoning in Human Genetics (2.0) course was about Simple Traits by Prof. Ken Weiss, Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus, at Penn State University. The pre-recorded lecture was followed by an open discussion from the audience, led by the Logical Reasoning in Human Genetics (LRHG) committee: specialists from Institut Pasteur de Tunis - معهد باستور تونس and Columbia University.

Pr. Weiss is an evolutionary and developmental biologist, genetic epidemiologist, and contributor to relevant areas of epistemology. He has been at Penn State since 1985. His research centers on the evolution of complex human traits, particularly disease-related and complex morphological traits.

We were also pleased to have among us:

Pr. Harald H. H. Goring, Bennett Dyke & Jean MacCluer Endowed Professor,South Texas Diabetes and Obesity Institute & Department of Human Genetics
Pr. Joseph Terwilliger, professor at the Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University
Dr. Sonia Abdelhak, Principal Biologist, Head of Research Unit, Institut Pasteur de Tunis.
Pr. Ghada Elkameh, Professor of Clinical Genetics, Coordinator of the Hereditary Blood Disorders and Genodermatoses Clinics and Research Teams, Human Genetics and Genome Research Division, National Research Centre

The LRHG course is in partnership with Institut Pasteur de Tunis - معهد باستور تونس . You can join us every first Wednesday of the month for a new and enlightening lecture ?‍?

More information on the course and recordings of the previous lectures can be found here.


For the recording of the lecture, please watch below ↓