Amman News

This project remains ongoing and aims to address the adverse effects of armed conflict on the mental health of individuals, families and communitie

Based at Columbia Global Center in Amman, this initiative reaches out to young people to promote and advance youth leadership development.

What role does religion—and particularly Islam—play in naming, framing, and governing violence against women (VAW) and gender-based violence (GBV)?

Thinking of pluralism as a technology of power that helps to organize people and their interactions, and often articulated with special attention t

The Columbia Institute for Ideas and Imagination will open its doors in Paris in fall 2018.

In his book explaining why Tunisia is an “Arab anomaly”, Safwan Masri says it was “predisposed to democracy because of ingredients that are uniquel

Training humanitarian aid workers to ensure a more effective, informed, and consistent response. 

The Tamer Fund for Social Ventures (“the Fund”) provides seed grants to nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid early-stage Columbia University affiliated

عمان - يجتمع قادة التمريض والقبالة من إقليمي جنوب وشرق أفريقيا وشرق المتوسط في القمة الثالثة والأخيرة في الاردن خلال يومي 24 و25 تموز الحالي لمناقش

AMMAN — A global nursing and midwifery summit, to be held in Amman on July 24-25, will address large global health disparities and the development

Believing in the power of cinema and the role it plays in people’s everyday lives, Richard Peña has been tracing film history all over the world an

The Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life (IRCPL) at Columbia University is requesting paper proposals to present for its conference seri