Alumni Stories

The Center hosted the very first event of Role Play organized by Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation alumni in China.

Andrés Osorio is an economist with an MPA in Economic Policy Management from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.

The conference featured four panels focusing on the urban and architectural policies implemented in Chile’s capital city between 1977-1990.

Andrew Ryan, who recently graduated from the Master in Global Thought at Columbia University, spent five weeks in Chile participating in an interns

Rana Zincir Celal was senior program manager at Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul for four years and now is deputy director of the Atlantic Fellow

Zak Dychtwald, CC '12, is the author of Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World (St.

Florian Grosset (SIPA '22), one of the organizers of the 2018 Alliance Summer School, shares insights from his research on the effects of climate c

The two co-leaders of the Columbia University Alumni Club of Turkey discuss what they hope to achieve as as a group.

Saygın Yıldırım, SEAS'18, will start to work as Investment Banking Analyst at Nomura Securities International.

Eloy Oliveira finished his Masters in Public Administration at SIPA in May 2016 and became the CEO of Instituto República, a found

María Garcés (MA'2017 GSAPP) is a Chilean architect and will work on An Examination of Disaster Management and Recovery in Post-Disaster Chile

The Capstone workshop team that was awarded this year's Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson Award for Human Values in International Affairs.