Beijing News

On March 18, 2016, Beijing Center co-hosted a high-level roundtable conference on the Role of the State in Economic Growth, with the Center on Glob

On March 18, 2016, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing co-hosted a high-level roundtable conference on the Role of the State in Economic Growth, with

The endowment, with initial principal funding of $500,000 was established by Chinese entrepreneur Jin Xu and his wife, Mengjun Song.

Richard Peña, Professor of Film at Columbia University's School of the Arts, Former Program Director of the Film Society at Lincoln Center and Dire

On the afternoon of January 6, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang met with Columbia University President Lee C.

Chinese companies like Xiaomi are living proof that "China's design culture is kicking off," American Internet expert Clay Shirky told Xinhua in an

Under Columbia’s Committee on Global Thought, scholars in the social sciences and humanities, psychologists and neuroscientist, and curators of his

Columbia and New York University may both lead the pack when it comes to developing a presence abroad, but they have markedly distinct ideologies t