
Civil conflict, terrorism and public health scares are only some of the concerns causing unprecedented disruptions across communities worldwide.

On November 9, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing, in partnership with Columbia University School of the Arts and the Central Academy of Fine Arts (

Opening up life to endless possibilities is a wise and practical advice from David Madigan, Executive Vice-President for Arts & Sciences, and D

The Soraya Salti Youth for Youth Series was launched on Wednesday with the support of Waleed Al Banawi, the founder and chairman at JISR Venture Pa

On November 9, Columbia Global Centers | Beijing, in partnership with Columbia University School of the Arts and the Central Academy of Fine Arts (

During November, Miao Li, a PhD candidate at the Columbia University Astr

Columbia Global Centers — Amman, a hub for Columbia University research and educational initiatives in the Middle East and one in a network of eigh

How can universities ensure that they stay relevant in an increasingly globalised world?

Columbia’s Safwan Masri says that to understand a region today, you must consider the entire world.

Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and Fudan University’s School of Public Health hosted a three-day summit "The Columbia-Fudan

Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and Fudan University’s School of Public Health hosted a three-day summit "The Columbia-Fudan

On October 24, Columbia University School of Professional Studies successfully held an information session in Columbia Global Centers | Beijing.