
The Center's late director supported the organization – which provides networking and mentoring services for women – since its inception.

CGC Tunis and Institut Pasteur de Tunis hosted the 22nd LRHG lecture, featuring Pr. Nabil Enattah, a distinguished geneticist and our first speaker from Libya. 

Five unique opportunities for faculty to secure support and funding for scholarly research.

Applications are now open for 2023 earthquake recovery awards in Turkey.

Seven Columbia College and SEAS undergrads spent Thanksgiving break in Santiago getting to know the Chilean entrepreneurship and startup ecosystem.

From a class of 50 young people from various life and academic backgrounds, the five who stood out the most in the graduating class were selected to represent the Young Climate Negotiators in Dubai. 

The Center traveled to the north of the country to get first-hand knowledge on the mineral's extraction and production.

The Santiago Center, SIPA’s CGEP, and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’ Business School led a roundtable to address the region’s complexities.

New article published by Climate Hub Rio analyzes the climate resilience work of the cities of Rio and New York

This article by Claire Boisteau was published on October 19, 2023 on the Philharmonie de Paris website.

The scholarship provides accepted students with full tuition from participating schools and support for non-tuition expenses from Columbia Global.

On November 22, 2023, the City Diplomacy Lab and Columbia Global Centers organized a webinar, "Cities and Climate Solutions: Air."

How can restorative practices be used to break cycles of violence and foster long-lasting peace?

Programming Officer Chris Molinari visited the CHIC center located in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve.

Columbia Global Centers | Mumbai interviewed GSAPP adjunct professors for a Peri-Urban Water Management in Gujarat summer workshop.