Nairobi News

Understanding the epidemiology of Covid-19 and moving forward would be critical to determining policy on the need to adopt interventions, including

There is a need to consolidate global efforts to control and manage highly pathogenic agents like SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

Physical distancing is a tried and tested method of slowing the rate of infection during a pandemic (without the use of medical interventions).

Covid-19 has taught us that investing in health security research, preparedness and responsiveness, nationally, regionally and globally, is critica

Lockdowns and physical distancing have proved crucial to slowing the spread of Covid-19 in the short term, but looking to the future these measures

Every evening during the early days of the pandemic, people opened their windows at a set hour to applaud the heroic women and men who were putting

Finding the balance between limiting disease transmission, maintaining access to critical services and supporting livelihoods is the public health

Never before has the public had an opportunity to see, in glaring detail, the difference good governance makes.