
Columbia and New York University may both lead the pack when it comes to developing a presence abroad, but they have markedly distinct ideologies that have informed their global campus footprints.

Booker-prize winning novelist AS Byatt spoke at the Ecole normale supérieure with a fascinating discussion with Le Monde’s Raphaelle Rérolle on creative inspiration, the nature of narrative, and the central role played by language, color and the senses in her writing process.

Chinese-American author Yiyun Li’s conversation with Sylvain Bourmeau on Day Two of the World Writers' Festival 2015 focused on her choice to write in English rather than Chinese, her mother tongue, and how this choice has informed her vision of America and China.

Three hundred people turned out to hear Dame Edna O’Brien, hailed as one of Ireland’s greatest living writers, in the moonlit gardens of the Irish Cultural Center on Saturday night. Eighty-four year old O’Brien, an engaging story-teller, had the crowd laughing as she described anecdotes from her early years as a writer, some of which feature in her 2012 memoir, A Country Girl.

Given the current governmental priorities for social service development in Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates, a trained cadre of professional social workers is needed in a fast growing economically, and socially evolving country to take on the multi-level roles of program design, development, implementation, evaluation and management.

The Columbia Global Centers held its inaugural Advisory Board Summit at Columbia University in New York on September 21 and 22. The meeting, which was chaired by President Lee C. Bollingerand Professor Safwan Masri, included over 30 members from across all eight advisory boards who met for the first time as a common group.

Marcos Troyjo, director of BRICLab and adjunct professor at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs, spoke at Columbia Global Centers | Beijing on September 8th, examining the trajectory of globalization over the past 25 years and what the world might look like in 2030.

Informational Sessions were held in São Paulo, Brasília and Rio de Janeiro, where candidates  had a chance to get to know more about the Global Executive Master in Public Administration. 

Columbia Global Centers | Beijing hosted a discussion on the economic prospects of Latin America and the bilateral implications for China-Latin America relations at an August 29 event that featured two Columbia professors.

Columbia's Office of Global Programs is delighted to announce a brand new spring semester study abroad program in the cosmopolitan city of Istanbul, Turkey. 

The Chinese translation of The Age of Sustainable Development by Columbia Professor Jeffrey Sachs was released this June.

Richard Peña, Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia's School of The Arts, made one of his highly anticipated visits to Brazil last week.

The Coordination for Improvement of Graduate Level Staff (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Capes) seeks a scholar in Brazil to take part in teaching and research activities on Social and Sciences and Humanities at Columbia University. 

Richard R. John, professor of history and communications at Columbia Journalism School, gave a public talk on the history of global communications networks at the Columbia Global Centers | Beijing on August 20. He also met with prospective students to Columbia Journalism School for a discussion on journalism-related topics.

On August 12th and 13th 2015, Columbia University's Center for Brazilian Studies held a conference on Mobile Learning.