
Alejandra Matus, a Chilean journalist and academic, has been awarded the 2018 Weiss Fellowship for Visiting International Scholars, which was established to support visits by international critics and scholars to Barnard College of Columbia University in New York. Between September 30 and October 10 Matus will deliver a public lecture and lead a workshop for students on the  role of women in media, the relationship between governments and the press, and the causes and consequences of “fake news”. In addition, she will working with professor of history Nara Milanich on shared research. 

June 20-22, the Paris Center co-hosted a three-day colloquium honoring the works of Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

The ThinkNation Discovery Stage Workshop invited young people to work with mentors to identify the challanges and opportunities created by advances in technology.

In the summer months, there is a spike in activities involving students from Columbia University. This June, Columbia Global Centers | Mumbai once again organized an orientation session for 12 undergraduate students participating in the Columbia Experience Overseas (CEO) internship program. The Center, in partnership with Columbia Alumni Association of India, also organized a send-off event for more than 40 new students who will be joining Columbia this year.

SEAS Faculty share how AI, FinTech, and Precision Medicine will change our world

The two co-leaders of the Columbia University Alumni Club of Turkey discuss what they hope to achieve as as a group.

As a part of its 2018 Faculty Summer Residency Program, Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul hosted Katherine Dieckmann, renowned writer-director and Associate Professor of Professional Practice at the School of the Arts, Columbia University, for a closed screening and workshop and a public screening on her latest film, Strange Weather, on June 1 and 2 in Istanbul.

Zainab Bahrani, Edith Porada Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology, Columbia University and a valued Faculty Steering Committee of our Center, shared her experience with Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul. 

Saygın Yıldırım, SEAS'18, will start to work as Investment Banking Analyst at Nomura Securities International.

As tensions between Russia and the West reach increase, the Harriman Institute asks: “What role does the academy play in our current attempts to understand each other?”

On June 14, 2018, Columbia Global Centers Nairobi hosted round two of “Beyond the Music” which previously launched in Nairobi in December 2017.  The event took place in Tanzania and was overseen by Trevor Arnett,  who in addition to being the Communications  Officer in New York, is a talented Singer and artist.