
Esther Mwaniki from Kenya was recently nominated to be a part of the Obama Foundation Fellowship, class of 2019. Esther is the founder and director of Lapid Leaders Africa, a values-based leadership development program that seeks to equip young leaders.

Columbia University Press participated in this year's International Book Fair of Tunis, for the third year in a row. New CUP publications, with a 50% discount, were available for sale and the remaining copies are sold in El Kitab bookstore, both in Tunis and La Marsa.

An ongoing research exchange between faculty at the Columbia Mailman School and scholars in India is laying the groundwork for a series of innovative public health collaborations. The Yusuf Hamied Fellowship Program, supported by the celebrated Indian scientist and pioneering business leader, is stimulating research partnerships that address key public health challenges in India.

Peace By Piece: How African Women Leaders are Building New Peace Movements Across Africa-The inter-generational conversation among expert leaders who are spearheading emerging and critical movements for peace and security across Africa.

In February, the Paris Center hosted two conferences that charted the complex, under-explored world of bioethics in relation to US policy, professional practice, law, and designer babies.

For people leaving the Mediterranean, the likelihood of dying is now much higher than what it was in 2016. This is according to the Director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center, Craig Spencer, MD. Spencer, coordinated Doctors Without Borders’ (MSF) national epidemiological response in Guinea during the Ebola outbreak and has provided medical care onboard a MSF medical search and rescue boat in the Mediterranean.